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Why develop a road safety strategy as part of your logistics operation

As part of our plan to provide educational fleet forum events for transport and fleet managers in 2018, we have recently entered into a partnership with East Midlands Law Firm Sills & Betteridge. These discussions highlighted many changes in driving legislation that will soon take effect and we felt it worthwhile to provide a timely reminder as to why developing a road safety strategy is essential for all logistics operations.

If your company requires employees to drive as part of their role, whether it be in a personal or company vehicle, it is always prudent to have a road safety strategy to manage the risks posed by their driving. By the letter of the law the driver is principally responsible for the standard of their driving, but on some occasions the company, and its Directors, may also be liable should an accident occur.

The risks to organisations range from prosecution for failing to provide drivers details, to gross negligence manslaughter if the employee is driving a poorly maintained car, is fatigued or not eligible to drive. Further information about the legislative changes can be found on the Sills & Betteridge motoring website.

As part of your company road safety strategy, driver and safety awareness training should always be at the forefront of your plan, followed by accurate and up to date record keeping to document vehicle use, vehicle maintenance, insurance renewals, monitoring penalty points and licence validity, and, where required, the results and frequency of urine screening.

It is also recommended that CCTV be installed in the cockpit of company owned vehicles as this helps to monitor and deter negligent behaviour such as driving whilst using a mobile phone, or driving whilst tired or under the influence of banned substances.

Having an active road safety strategy in place will help your firm to reduce risk, such that, should an incident should occur and you become under scrutiny, the processes you have put in place will enable your company to demonstrate compliance and adherence to a process that limited risks. A road safety strategy can help reduce the likelihood that your company will be held liable for the acts of your drivers and placed at risk of prosecution.

Commenting on behalf of Route4 Solutions, Managing Director, Mike Harris said “As a forward thinking temporary driver recruitment company our main focus is to ensure we provide logistics firms with educated and legally qualified drivers. We also endeavour to support and advise busy transport managers and help them to comply with all driving legislation. Whilst most companies already undertake the provisions required of a robust road safety strategy, there are still some that still do not maintain appropriate driver records. Partnering with a law firm has allowed us to gain a new perception of driver safety and will help us develop stronger relationships with drivers and transport manager alike.”